May 26, 2020 11:50 AM

1. Must make a swimming pool reservation online. before using the service only Users must enter a message. 

2. Wash your hands with and alcohol gel before entering the pool (Except when swimming, no need to wear mask).

3. Users must take off their shoes before entering the pool and wash the feet at the wash area beside the pool before using the bathroom.

4. User can use the service for no more than 1 hour / lane / person. Do not book more than 1 hour in the system. If overbooking is considered null and void Sports Complex will not refund.

5. The sports Compex limit the number of people to use the pool each hour.

6. Do not allow parents to enter the pool area. Can only sit in the stands.

7. The sports Complex  will be open from 13.30 - 20.00 hrs.